So I am the proud owner of a new PC here at work. YEAH! But when I tried to process my cube in Analysis Services I got this error.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user ‘NT SERVICE\MSOLAP$SQL2012’.; 42000.
I know I have seen this before and I will probably see it again so this time I’m going to write down how to fix it. Basically the problem is that the Service doesn’t have access to connect to SQL Server.
Find the Account Analysis Services is Using
The first thing we need to do is open windows services and find the SQL Server Analyis Services service and figure out what account it is trying to login with.
Create new Login in SQL Server
Now we go over to SQL Server under Security right click on Logins -> New Login
To the right of Login Name we can click on Search.
Put the Login name that we got from the service into the box and click Check Names. It will find the name for us. Click OK.
Now on the Left menu click on Server Roles
Because this is my local Development machine I find it easier to just check sysadmin. Click ok and now Analysis services service has access to read from SQL Server.
Hope this helps I know it will help me next time i have to do this. You can also check this page: Setting SSAS server Security and Server Properties