Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Linda Lawton I have been working with Google APIs since 2012. In 2014 I became one of the first Google Developers Experts for Google Analytics. For me this was a great honor, Google spotted me partly because of my work here on daimto.com creating simple easy to use tutorials for you to use to access Google APIs. I also spend a lot of time on Stackoverflow.com helping to answer questions about Google APIs, Analytics, Drive, Calendar, and YouTube API mostly.
Being a Google Developer expert gives me direct access to a number of the Google Developer teams. Even though Google Developer Experts receive no money for what they do; they still do it because they enjoy helping people others learn how to develop with Google Technologies. If you are interested in the process of becoming a GDE you can check the article I wrote right after I was accepted into the group Road to GDE
I have worked as a application developer since graduating from college in 1994.
In my blog category you will find a list of articles I have written on a number of different topics.
- New things in the Google developer community
- Critical changes to Google APIs
- random ramblings of a female application developer
Recent articles
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